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Our committed actions


Don't throw your containers away, recycle them!

La consignerie

Yes, you read that right. We've decided to give our containers a second life. 


All our stainless steel packaging is refillable and reusable. To continue our eco-responsible approach, we are returning the containers to you. 


You can return your empty containers to us free of charge, and we'll reward your gesture with loyalty points that can be converted into vouchers (usable on a one-off basis and non-cumulative).


No need to clean them or remove the labels, we'll take care of everything. We wash, disinfect and refill them.


Where do you buy your products?​

You can return your containers directly from your account.

Fill in the form and click on send. You will receive an email within 24 hours with the return slip to stick on the shipping carton. 

  • ATTENTION ! Returns must be made to the post office.

We handle returns free of charge for orders of 5 containers or more.

Why should we do this? Quite simply to encourage you to put several containers in a single box in order to reduce carbon emissions linked to transport. 

What are the advantages?


Once we've received your containers, we'll credit your loyalty points to your Balsame loyalty program (accessible via your personal space). You can exchange your points for vouchers worth between €5.00 and €20.00, valid throughout the site and with no minimum purchase. 

Each container is worth 10 loyalty points!

Site internet envoi.png

I have more than 5 containers. Can I send them all back at once? 

Of course you can! Your gesture will be all the more rewarding. 

The minimum for a free return is 5 containers. However, if you have more, you can send it all back in one go. 

Each container will earn you 10 extra points in your Balsame loyalty program.

  • For example: If you send us 6 containers, you will be credited with 60 points, 7 containers = 70, 8 containers = 80, 20 containers = 200, etc.

I want to send my empty containers back with those of a friend. What do I do? 


The process is the same. All you have to do is put all your jars in the same box and send it to us with your return slip. 

On the return questionnaire (under ‘Return your containers’), specify your full names, your email addresses and the number of containers per person.  You'll each get a voucher to spend on the Balsame website ;) 

  • For example: If you have 1 container and your friend has 4, you will receive 10 points on your kitty and your friend will receive 40 points.

  • ATTENTION: If one of the two people is not registered on the website, all the points will be credited to a single account.  

I haven't received my points, what should I do?

Your points are credited to your loyalty program in your account when you receive your empty containers, i.e. 48 to 72 hours after receipt of the containers. If you haven't received anything, don't hesitate to contact us at the following address: and we'll do what's necessary to rectify the situation.

The deposit of containers is not an obligation, it depends on the goodwill of each and should not be a constraint. We try to make it as simple as possible, but if you have any suggestions for improving our service, please do not hesitate to let us know at the following e-mail address:


What happens to our empty containers? 

La seconde vie

What a good question! Your empty cans are given a second life. 

We wash, disinfect, dry and refill them. The pumps are recovered and recycled. The labels and pumps are changed. 

And off we go to the dented

You'll find all the damaged or used containers in the ‘Dented’ category on our website. The quality of the products doesn't change, just the price ;) 


We are also working with a French company that recycles stainless steel and aluminium pots. Containers that are badly damaged or even broken will be given a second life elsewhere than at Balsame, after being reworked and reprocessed.


Keep your containers and refill them at home

Le remplissage

You're not materialistic, but you've had some great moments with your bottle of Purifiant, or you simply feel that it can last a little longer, we've got the solution for you. 


As well as being able to return the containers, you can also refill them. Buy our refills and fill your container. 


Find our large volumes for liquid products such as, 

Want to make more savings? Shampoo remnants are available in the Dented category. 


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